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Consistently Making Time for God

February 08, 2024


That was my fancy prayer. God answered.

For over 3 years, He has cultivated in me the discipline of meeting with Him.

I’ve learned that consistent study is hard work that cannot be done in your own strength. And that studying the Bible is worth every second.

“My word that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
(Isaiah 55:11, ESV)

Here’s how you can start moving toward consistency:

1. Empty yourself

It doesn’t have to be a fancy prayer. Mine was, “help.” It’s more about the posture of your heart. When we come hungry and needy, humble and teachable, His power is made perfect in our weakness. Trying to do quiet time without inviting God to be Lord over that time is an exercise in futility. He WILL show up if you surrender and ask Him to show up.

“He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’”
(2 Corinthians 12:9, ESV)

2. Know your why

Why are you attempting to study God’s Word? To check a box? To put an end to guilt for NOT studying? To impress someone? To feel good? All of these reasons are empty, and are EXACTLY why you’ll find yourself giving up after a time. The primary purpose of opening the Word of God is to know the Author more intimately. We study to know Him. If we know Him we will love Him and want to walk with Him. This is when our study time begins to be time we are not willing to miss.

“You have said, ‘Seek my face.’
My heart says to you,
‘Your face LORD, do I seek!’”
(Psalm 27:8, ESV)

3. Set a time and place to withdraw

Don’t underestimate the importance of ease and habit. If your Bible is in one room, your study in another and your highlighters are scattered all over, the act of getting started becomes a chore. Remove every possible obstacle. Choose a general time and a specific place where you’ll meet with God. Life is filled with distractions, so some days it may be impossible to remove all of the noise. But if the God Man, Jesus, had to withdraw to be with His Father, we ought to try to withdraw too.

“He went out to the mountain to pray.”
(Luke 6:12, ESV)

You are able to abide in the Bible with consistency, friend. First, empty yourself. Then, make sure you know your why. And finally, set a time and a place to withdraw so you can just go be with your God. 

He waits for you.


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