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August 05, 2022

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!"
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, ESV)

We have intentionally built in reminders for you to recite your memorized Bible verses to a partner. This added accountability is for your good. God doesn't want us isolated. We prayerfully challenge you to commit to finding a partner. What a blessing doing this study with someone else could be!

A few helpful tips:

  • Schedule dates and times with your partner at the beginning of the study (You will be reciting to one another after completing each section in your study).
  • Decide what format works best for both of your schedules (in person, over the phone, via an app).
  • If consistently meeting in person is too much of a challenge, consider sending one another voice recordings via text or a video or recording through an app like Facebook or Marco Polo. 
  • Only commit to partnering on a study-by-study basis. Manage expectations up front so you can leave room to switch things up down the road if necessary. 

Healthy Accountability:

  • Life happens. Don't shame your partner if they are a little unprepared. Encourage them to pick it back up the following week. And remind them that the study has built-in "catch-up" days each month.
  • Don't let each other off the hook, either. Lowering the bar and making excuses won't bring either of you closer to your goal of hiding God's Word in your heart. If you hit a snag, pray through it together and ask God to help you get back on track. (Need help making time? Check out this post.)
  • Consider praying for one another during the week. 
  • Connect with one another on non-recitation days to share encouraging things you're learning. 

Do you and your potential study partner want real training and practice before you begin? Get both in our "How to Study the Bible" course! Click the link to learn more.

We are praying that your partnership will be a tremendous blessing to both of you!

Let's Abide!

Jason and Kate


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