Praying Scripture

"Without prayer, our study is nothing but an intellectual pursuit. With prayer, it is a means of communion with the Lord. Prayer is what changes our study from the pursuit of knowledge to the pursuit of God Himself." -Jen Wilkin

Prayer is essential not only in your study time, but in your everyday life. It's how we most directly connect with God.

Being guilted or shamed into praying "more" or "better" doesn't work. Praying isn't about a magical formula or about using fancy words to try to manipulate God (or impress others). 

Rather, it's an invitation from God Himself to simply come. He wants to be with you.

How Abidible Incorporates Prayer

Understanding what prayer is and isn't is important. With that bigger picture in mind, we'd like to now equip you to grow in your daily prayer life. To that end, we have created some resources for you. In your Abidible studies, you will see prayer incorporated in four primary ways:

  1. At the beginning of each study day as a reminder
  2. At the end of your study of each individual verse for journaling
  3. With "Prayer Cards" that teach you how to turn the passage you're currently studying into specific prayers (these are included in the BONUS DIGITAL PACK that comes with our hard copy studies)

If you're unfamiliar with the practice of praying Scripture, we'd love to give you a basic starting point. Looking back over the verse that you just studied in depth, write out a prayer using this P.R.A.Y. acronym. Try to make each part, (as best as you're able), relate to the verse.

PRAISE: "God, I praise you for..."
REPENT: "God, I repent for..."
ASK: "God, I ask for..."        
YIELD: "God, I surrender..."

Want real training and practice with praying Scripture? Get both in our "How to Study the Bible" course! Click the link to learn more.

Let's Abide,

Jason and Kate



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